Wednesday, October 5, 2011 scams both Advertisers and Publishers !

JuicyAds.png is a SCAM !

How so ? cheats Advertiser by not paying Publishers.

Basically, STEALS banner from publishers (by changing the Ad codes) so that banners displayed at sites will earn publisher nothing while is pocketing full fees from Advertisers.

How Do I Know ?

I discovered something is amissed when some of my poupular sites made less than it used to be while when the traffic has also doubled due to some promotional effort. The thing is I also display banners from along with, and earnings from has increased accordingly but's has gone down !

So out of curiosity, I took a look at the stats, I found out only stats of certain banners is displayed at their site, I asked Jay (the scam artist boss of And he instead asked me "your banner is Ad# 123456, right ? And he said the traffic for so and so banner/site is a very low ..."

I didn't suspect anything then. Weeks later, I noticed their stats actually show no traffic at all for one of my most popular site !

I asked them again, Jay the scammer himself responded and said the site has very low traffics (but stats from two other sources are telling me this is not true).

How Doe Do That (Scam)?

So, I decided to take at look at the Ad Code, guess what ? I found out the about 2/3 of Ads Code at my sites are completely different from the ones are selling to Advertisers!

In another words, I am displaying the ad banners just for fun while he collects all the revenue generated from Advertisers.

To straighten things out, I replaced the Ad Codes with the one is selling to Advertisers (many from my sites even have long term contract from Advertisers) and all of a sudden, all the stats of my banners skyrocketed at !

So I asked Jay the scammer what is happening ? He couldn't explain anything to me at all.

I may be one the very few performing publishers who happens to discover their unthinkable scam - I have heard of scammers who do not pay at all, I have never heard of scammer that steal banners from publishers like

I asked for payment, they even refused to pay what is left in my account (they have been stealing 2/3 of the banners from me all the times !).

In the end, I have no choice but to start deleting my account and along the process, I must have alerted some Advertisers because I actuall "rejected" many of the long term Advertisers on my site, then only Jay finally responded and asking stupid questions ... But I have decided to expose their scam.

You have been warned.

Chief Scammer !
Jay "tigermtb"
Founder & President
ICQ 2266222
Jay is the creator of and chief scammer of ...
A Victim of The Juicy Ads Scam


  1. really i dont wanna to be cheat too.thnk

  2. That's right... juicyads steals banner from publisher....
    i discovered this through using another adnetwork...

    other adnetwork showing more then 4000 impressions per day but juicy ads showing less then 1000 impressions per day...

    how it could be...??
    so i realized something wrong with juicyads so i completly remove their ads from my site...

  3. yes u are absolutely rite...when i was blacklabelads publisher the traffic was same and i earn $ 1.5 per day ,,but when i join juicyad i earn only some few cents per day..they are cheater,,when i see the stats the sales are higher but revune is too much low.

  4. English? Do you speak it? It's hard to take you seriously when you use a sketchy post on a sketchy site.

  5. It's true, my earnings kept dropping while my traffic increased. I had no choice but to remove the ads.

  6. This is completely true. Juicyads is stealing and not displaying the banner ads so that nothing is being earned while the entire sum is continuously being pocketed. The same person Jay also emailed me and told me the same exact story.

  7. I never got that far to experience that, but I was with them with my new site and after around 9 days I have 1200 impressions and 13 clicks, but my earnings would always say $0.00. So I decided to remove their code from my site and go with another site, because if you don't even get 1 cent for 1200 impressions and 13 clicks then that is a joke.
    I suspect they were doing to same to me, I suspect they probably were stealing 2/3 of the banners displayed and not paying me for them, it would make sense. Or either they have advanced to a new form of scam where they simply just don't pay people at all, lol.

  8. I want to post live jasmin ads and see the results for
